About me
I needed a space where I can share my creations…
A while ago, the thought of creating a personal blog popped up in my head every now and then. I needed a space where I can share my creations in more detail and with more photographs than is possible on social media. On the other hand, ‘perfectionist’ is my second name. Creating and maintaining a blog according to my personal standards involves time and dedication… hence my initial hesitation :-)! However, I’ve decided to take the plunge! So here we are!
Who is Judith?
So we’ve covered the being-a-perfectionist thing already. Apart from that, I’m a very normal person. I’m a thirty-something-year-old girl (I prefer that to ‘woman’). I’m Dutch with an international mindset. Currently living in the Netherlands with my German husband (aka the photographer when you see pictures of me) and our dog Bono. We live in the countryside in the northern part of the country.

I recall being creative as a little girl. I loved to craft with paper and other materials and make drawings. My mother used to sew my clothes since I was tall and thin (making it difficult to buy ready-made clothes). She taught me how to sew simple things and I actually made a few garments for my Barbie dolls back then. My grandmother has been knitting all of her life (mostly socks I recall). She would have liked the fact that I got into her footsteps on the crafty path.
A test in school said that an artisanal profession would fit my personal interests (I was 12 years old…). However, I did end up with a Master’s degree in Business Administration focussing on Marketing Management… a completely different type of creativity is required there!
Why merino & tomatoes?
Well, ‘merino’ represents the crafty side. Mostly yarn-related. A few years ago I wanted to knit something simple so I bought a ball of yarn and a pair of needles. I didn’t really remember how to knit although I had learned it in school long ago, YouTube was a great help. My husband saw my knitting attempt and he actually had to laugh. Only then I learned that there are basically two ways of knitting: the continental style and English knitting (more here). My sister-in-law (an experienced knitter) advised me to start crochet first since it teaches you how to control the tension of the thread. So that’s how I came to crochet and later on to knitting.
On this website, I will share my creations with you!
Now, ‘tomatoes’ represents my culinary side (*ahem*). I love food and all its aspects. It is so great to try new things when you are eating out. Especially when travelling! I also like to cook myself and try to re-create delicious combinations that I have had elsewhere. For me, it is important to cook fresh and healthy meals every day, usually from scratch. I don’t use packages or ready-made things because I want to be in control of the things that I eat. I am definitely not a trained chef, but I can put a reasonably cooked meal on the table (the fact that my husband usually likes it gives me confidence).
You’ll find my food inspiration on the website!
There’s a third passion that kind of connects the other two, which is photography. Several years ago I started to move away from taking snapshots and into taking photographs (that goes on my dad’s account). It all began with an analogue SLR camera (yes, it is that long ago), but I soon upgraded to a digital SLR once these were available. It made me learn about photography so much faster, simply because you immediately see what you are doing (instead of waiting for a film to be developed). I joined a local photo club and my camera went with me everywhere I went. It has reduced now to photography when travelling or on more special occasions. The big DSLR camera has been traded for a smaller mirrorless model that is easier to carry around (my neck thanks me for that decision). In addition, I’m happily snapping away about daily life using my phone.
For this blog, I use photographs taken with the ‘bigger one’ most of the time (that quality simply can’t be beaten by a phone).
I hope that you come by regularly to read what I have been up to and I hope that I can inspire you to create things yourself as well! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or post a comment. I would love to hear from you!
Happy reading,
Oh, and tomatoes are red (usually). Did I mention that it’s my favourite colour?
I want you to know that all materials, ingredients and tools used here are bought by me. Unless stated otherwise, I am not sponsored in any way and my opinions are my personal ones.